Interested in Retail ?
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of retail? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
Our customer from One Mount Group provides full-suite business development solutions in FMCG for suppliers and retailers through a digital ecosystem and modernised distribution infrastructure to improve the efficiency of the retail value chain in Vietnam, for outstanding benefits and experience for suppliers, retailers, shoppers / consumers.
Our client is backed by the technology capabilities and resources of One Mount Group, a strategic partner of Techcombank and Vingroup.
Our customer from One Mount Group provides full-suite business development solutions in FMCG for suppliers and retailers through a digital ecosystem and modernised distribution infrastructure to improve the efficiency of the retail value chain in Vietnam, for outstanding benefits and experience for suppliers, retailers, shoppers / consumers.
Our client is backed by the technology capabilities and resources of One Mount Group, a strategic partner of Techcombank and Vingroup.
The services provided by FM will support our customer new online marketplaces.
Range of product
Agility to handle business demands :
Storage scalability (Capacity updated every 3 months)
Optimization of staff (management, admin and workforce)
Standardization of process and continuous improvement best practices
Pallet locations in 2020
Cartons IN / OUT per day
Orders / Day
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of retail? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
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